staying indoors .

Despite my best efforts, snowy days, cold outdoors, hot drinks and watching snowfall is hindering my progress on coursework. I understand that it’s all shame and blame but it’s days like these where I’m perfectly happy to stay tucked under my duvet and do close to nothing.

Having said that I have been doing my best to stay productive, general sketchbooking and attempting to generate A1 sheets and all of what is expected of me for this project.
Personally I find thinking of ideas to develop then use on A1 paper most difficult. I’m fairly decent with my sketchbook work but when making something much bigger and elaborate, I think I struggle somewhat.
Perhaps I’m picky with the outcome, fear of experimenting, or just plain lazy.

On the flip side, I do enjoy putting together contextual studies {in a most geeky manner} perhaps because it reminds me of folder work back at A level. I do after all pride myself on presentation, I hate to consider myself style over substance but sometimes that may just be the case.  My creative process starts of kind of scattered.

My room often suffers the brunt of my creative hurricanes. {I’m a very messy person.}

Maybe one day this wall will be filled with magazines. After all I need a bit of inspiration, one day I’ll be among those, who eat fashion, sleep fashion and breathe fashion. My involvement begins small, but dreams are fueled by aspirations, and aspirations are completed, one small step at a time.
Someone remind me to stay focussed and motivated next week.


copy & paste. / London

Following the completion of the placing of the installation, students were asked to draw the still life they had set up. First of all we were only allowed to record the image in black and white – so I used the typical materials, pencils, pens, fine liner markers, ink, black acrylics and white pen. {I hate black and white presonally, Colour is more of my thing.} Eventually we moved onto colour experimentation and here are snippets of my work so far . . .

Essentially – I dislike drawing still life. Why not just take a photograph? or photocopy something? Aikes, I prefer work from the mind. But I guess the course requires it ~ Oh well.
{Random order.}


There was also a trip to London that I attended and we were supposed to sketch & record {photograph} art in museums and around museums that corresponded to our project . I basically just took photos of everything and anything . . . and drew nothing. { Oh dear }

I did however manage to achieve this photo – which i thought was quite nice. {I’ll probably do a blog with just these photos – later.


On another note – LANVIN FOR H&M HAS BEEN RELEASED TODAY! This makes me happy.